Here is how I can help right now
As we all adapt to the COVID-19 situation, I’m set up to help you now over the phone and with a range of online tools and calculators to support you through these difficult times.
Here’s some questions I can help answer:
Thinking about purchasing or refinancing?
- Can I save repayments by switching to another loan?
- Am I better off if I lowered my current repayments with my existing loan?
- What are the benefits of a Variable versus a Fixed home loan? Is now the right time to look at changing?
Do you need to change your financing arrangements?
In a few minutes, using a COVID-19 Action Plan calculator, I can show you how different scenarios could affect your loan balance, interest and maturity dates.
- What should I consider if I enter a loan deferral arrangement?
- How would my loan repayments change if I switched from Principal and Interest to an Interest Only loan?
- How do I apply for Financial Hardship?
With many different Government incentives available, my advice is to stick to reputable government sources for information on these incentives. For your benefit, I’ve outlined some resources on the Government incentives available and general information below that may help.
- The Federal Government Jobkeeper and Jobseeker programs
- Stimulus payments to households
- Latest Coronavirus news
- Support for businesses and employers
If you have any questions regarding your current situation, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Any advice contained in this article is of a general nature only and does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. Therefore, before making any decision, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice with regard to those matters. Information in this article is correct as of the date of publication and is subject to change.