After most of us were forced into a gentler, slower pace of life due to COVID-19 restrictions, the idea that we’re hard up against a cult of busyness isn’t lost on many. Why has busyness become such a badge of honour and what does it mean to your wellbeing? To unpack this topic, psychologist Claudia Hammond draws on ground-breaking research – ‘The Rest Test’ – the biggest global survey into rest ever undertaken. Rest (distinct from sleep) is how we unwind, calm our minds and recharge our bodies. Rest isn’t an indulgence; it’s a critical part of a well lived life. We need to start taking rest seriously as a method of self-care and this book outlines how. It explains why rest matters, examines the science behind the results to establish what really works and offers an accessible roadmap for a more restful and balanced life.
A&U Canongate RRP $29.99